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教會活動 真理新聞 心靈加油 學習課程 主日講道


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Wonder of wonders! Who could have imagined? Five pieces of bread fed more than ten thousand people. And the Gospel says there were five thousand men. It’s very difficult to believe five loaves and two fish could feed more than ten thousand people.


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He looks after us 24 hours a day. He ensures that our hearts beat and the blood courses through the veins. He is looking after us like a hen looking after her chicks. He loves us incessantly, continuously regardless of what we do. We can be as evil as Hitler. But we just have to say, “God I am sorry.” and he embraces us.


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Are you a Martha or are you a Mary? In this world we have many different types of people. What kind of type is Martha? Martha is somebody who really gets down to it. If there is a job to be done she will be there. And she happened to look through the door.Ant there was Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus with adoring eyes looking into his face. She was drinking it all up. She memorized every word that he said.


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Our mortal bodies will die but our glorified bodies will live forever. Just imagine how beautiful our spiritual bodies would be. Not a slightest trace of imperfection, more beautiful than Mona Lisa, more beautiful than anybody on earth. If anybody could see our glorified bodies they would bow down and worship us.


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If you are a Catholic, what you do you do with Jesus. What Jesus does is of infinite worth. So what you do is of infinite worth. Why wasting your time fooling around? Get to the church and kneel down. Go to confession. Do penance. Begin a new life and turn over a new leaf. Don’t waste a minute. Life is slipping by.


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Get up at the crack of dawn. Labor day and night. Keep your nose to the grindstone. Never let up. Tell people the main messages of the Gospels otherwise they won’t have a clue what is going on and what you are up to. If the people don’t know the Gospels you are to blame. So let’s get on with our job.


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In the Catholic Church there are some orders. They are full time prayers. They get up at the crack of the dawn and they are down on their hunkers praying away like mad, saying the Rosaries, reciting the breviary, following the liturgy of the Church, contemplating, meditating, reciting, etc. So their minds are completely engrossed in heavenly things.


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God loves making something out of nothing, like us. We are like that because God made us like that. We love to carve bits of wood and made them into beautiful statutes. We love to get a big piece of concrete of granite and chip away until it becomes a beautiful statute. So that’s what God is doing.