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In this story Jesus asked us :
"What makes you think that you
are so wonderful? Are you
spotless? Are you a Holy Joe?"
He said:" Take the beam out of
your own eye before you can
complain about the splinter in
your friend's eye."


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Our human wisdom is limited. Sooner or later, we will have to appeal to a supernatural God to help us. Daniel said to the king, "I will tell you the
meaning. It isn't because I am particularly wise but is because God has
revealed it to me."


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I saw a huge tree and the top
of the tree touched the sky.
It was so large that the whole
world could see it. Wouldn't
we love to be like that?
Everybody admires us. I'm the
top dog. What a tragedy!
Pride ends in a fall.


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The king, his wives, his women,
his friends used the cups and
dishes for their revels and
their orgies. This was a
sacrilege. Suddenly a hand was
seen writing on the wall. The
hand wrote, "Mene mene teqel passing!"


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When they were in the furnace they were praising the all mighty. They
said:"Let the mountains praise the Lord, let trees praise the Lord,
let the lakes praise the Lord." Everything is designed to praise God.


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Some of us never grow up. We never understand what life is all about.
There is an Italian sentence which goes like this, "If young people
understood, and if old people could, the world would be a
different place." So let's get cracking. Let's make full use of the time
available. Don't waste a second. Get down to it.


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They really stuck to their guns. Nothing could shake them. They were up
to it. The king was hopping mad and ordered them to be bound hand and
foot and thrown into a furnace.


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This could happen to any of us. Many of us may have a position of
authority, and for some reason or other, we lose it. However the kingdom will be reserved for us. We must give credit when credit is due. We have
to admit that all of us are creatures. Only God is creator.


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Don't worship idols. It's ok to respect statutes but worshiping them is
beyond the pale. This seems to have been a favorite pastime of the
rich and famous in bygone days.


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Sometimes we seem to be
behaving more like animals
than men. Let the dew fall
on him and wander around like
an ox eating grass. This is a
good description of somebody
who has become bestialized.