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Bible diary

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***1st Reading***

 Prov 8:22–31

Yahweh created me first, at the beginning of his works. He formed me from of old, from eternity, even before the earth.

The abyss did not exist when I was born,  the springs of the sea had not gushed forth, the mountains were still not set in their place nor the hills, when I was born before he made the earth or countryside, or the first grains of the world’s dust.

 I was there when he made the skies and drew the earth’s compass on the abyss, when he formed the clouds above and when the springs of the ocean emerged; when he made the sea with its limits, that it might not overflow.

When he laid the foundations of the earth, I was close beside him, the designer of his works,  and I was his daily delight, forever playing in his presence, playing throughout the world and delighting to be with humans.


***2nd Reading ***

 Rom 5:1–5

 By faith we have received true righteousness, and we are at peace with God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Through him we obtain this favor in which we remain and we even boast to expect the Glory of God.

 Not only that,  we also boast even in trials, knowing that trials produce patience, from patience comes merit, merit is the source of hope, and hope does not disappoint us,   because the Holy Spirit has been given to us,pouring into our hearts the love of God.


**** Gospel ****

Jn 16:12–15

  “I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now.      When he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into the whole truth.

For he will not speak of his own authority, but will speak what he hears, and he will tell you about the things which are to come. He will take what is mine and make it known to you; in doing this, he will glorify me. All that the Father has is mine; for this reason, I told you that the spirit will take what is mine, and make it known to you.


Reflection gospel:

READ: For Catholics and other religious persuasions, the belief in the Holy Trinity is non-negotiable. The word Trinity is a simple theological term which captures the mystery of God. we all believe in one God, but in God, we also believe there are three divine persons, namely, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are all divine and united as one community.

REFLECT: The belief in the Holy Trinity gives us the model for forming ecclesial communities, religious congregations and the Church as a whole. We recognize the existence of the Trinity every time we make the sign of the cross, recite the Glory, Apostle’s Creed and many other prayers.

PRAY: Lord, Triune God, help me to live your mystery. I can best be a Christian if I believe in you. My Catholic faith falls apart once I deny your existence. The Bible too becomes meaningless, if I do not appreciate your mystery.

ACT: Show that you really believe in the Holy Trinity by properly making the sign of the cross and reciting the prayers taught by the Church. Show also your believe by being in communion with the parish where you belong. You cannot live your faith alone.


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一位連教宗都敬佩的母親是朱立德神父的母親─朱依撒伯爾,教宗方濟各讚譽為痛苦之母。母子八人在大陸動亂的時代飽受煎熬,家中孩子一個個進了監獄,聖召之母朱依撒伯爾殷殷告誡在牢裡的孩子─要保持信仰與聖召,萬萬不可傷耶穌聖心之心。她自己堅心不向無神權勢屈服,堪稱信仰見證的典範。 (圖:真理電台資料照片)



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生於美國西岸聖地牙哥、來台半世紀的知名天主教耶穌會會士,同時擔任「亞洲真理電台中文部」董事的丁松筠神父(Father George Martinson S.J.),不幸於2017年5月31日清晨,因心臟病發過世,享壽75歲。丁神父不只是一位神父,他還曾擔任過教師、電視節目製作人,更以英文名字「Uncle Jerry」(傑瑞叔叔)的英語教學節目為人所懷念。他的驟逝,將是許多人心中永遠的痛……。(圖:真理)


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教宗方濟各於2017年4月15日復活節文告中提到:我們眾人若順從罪惡驅使,便會偏離正道,走上流浪之途,有如迷途的羔羊。可是天主,我們的善牧親自來尋找我們,而且為了拯救我們,自我貶抑直至接受十字架的恥辱。如此,我們今天才能宣報說:「善牧復活了,祂曾為自己的羊犧牲了性命。阿肋路亞!」世世代代以來,基督善牧不辭勞苦地尋找我們,祂這些在現世荒漠中迷失的弟兄們。祂藉著苦難的標記,慈悲聖愛的創傷,吸引我們走上祂的道路——生命的道路。今天,祂也背負著我們如此眾多受到各種罪惡壓迫的弟兄姊妹……。 (圖文資料來源:梵蒂岡電台)

★天主教台灣地區主教團秘書長─陳科神父 口譯


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