- 詳細內容
- 作者 小火慢燉
- 分類: English Gospel
- 點擊數: 707

***1st Reading***
2 Corinthians 9: 6-10
Remember: the one who sows meagerly will reap meagerly, and there shall be generous harvests for the one who sows generously.
Each of you should give as you decided personally, and not reluctantly as if obliged. God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to fill you with every good thing, so that you have enough of everything at all times, and may give abundantly for any good work.
Scripture says: He distributed, he gave to the poor, his good works last forever. God who provides the sower with seed will also provide him with the bread he eats. He will multiply the seed for you and also increase the interests on your good works.
**** Gospel ****
John 12: 24-26
Truly, I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Those who love their life destroy it, and those who despise their life in this world save it even to everlasting life.
Whoever wants to serve me, let him follow me and wherever I am, there shall my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
Reflection gospel:
Andrew Lincoln has beautifully commented on the “loving”-and-“hating”-one’s-life aspect of the gospel passage. He wrote:”to save, find or gain one’s life is to attempt to live one’s life as though one owned it and it is an enterprise doomed to failure because life is a gift from God, who can also take it away. On the other hand, to lose one’s life is to renounce the attempt to secure life for oneself and, instead, to spend it in the service of God and others.”
God would always lead us to the purpose he has for each of us, and this purpose presents itself in the form of service to God and his beautiful creation. Our purpose in life is intrinsically connected to this triadic element of God, creation, and service. Just like the rain that falls to the ground, which must perform a specific role, we too, brought to life on Earth, must accomplish that for which we are created. This is spending our life in service, instead of securing it for own.
That is why it is important to identify those things that lead us to direct our energy, time, and skill just for ourselves; and that take us away from serving God and his creation.