Those who come to Christ must do so in childlike humility, faith, and simplicity.

Like children who implicitly trust their parents, believers trust God.  


Blessed Virgin Mary

*** 1st Reading ***     

Sirach 17:1-15

The Lord created man

From the earth and let him return to earth.

He settled a fixed time for them and a set number of days, giving them power over everything on earth.

He endowed them with a strength like his own, making them in his own image.


He put the fear of them in all living things, thus they had mastery over the animals and birds.

He endowed them with knowledge; he gave them tongue and eyes, ears and a mind to think with.

He filled them with wisdom and knowledge; he taught them good and evil.

He put his own eye in their hearts so they would understand the greatness of his works.


They will praise his holy name and relate the magnificence of his creation.

He gave them revealed knowledge as well and handed over to them the law of life.

He established an everlasting Covenant with them and let them know his judgments.


Human eyes saw the splendor of the glory of God; their ears heard the grandeur of his voice.

He said to them, "Keep yourselves from all wrongdoing," and to each of them he gave commands regarding his neighbor.

Their conduct is always before the Lord; they cannot escape his sight.


Ps 103:13-14, 15-16, 17-18 The Lord's kindness is everlasting to those who fear him.


*** Gospel ***      

Mark 10:13-16

People were bringing their little children to him to have him touch them; and the disciples rebuked them for this.

When Jesus noticed it, he was very angry and said, "Let the children come to me and don't stop them,

for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly, I say to you,

whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."

Then he took the children in his arms and, laying his hands on them, blessed them.


Gospel Reflection :

"Humble gratitude before God."

The readings today encourage a humble gratitude before God, which acknowledges that humans are made from humus, the earth.

It is through God's grace that we are made "little lower than the angels" (Ps 8:6), endowing us with strength and knowledge and wisdom.

Yet, we can glory in our own capabilities and forget the One who gave them,

in such a way that our talents and skills become a cause for pride instead of praise,

forgetting that we are all as little children for our God and Father.


Our present culture pushes us to forget our own inherent frailty

and our dependence on others and on God. This leads us to look down on others,

in a vain attempt to maintain our mistakenly perceived position of superiority.

Pride and selfishness lead to the little ones of life being pushed aside, exploited or even abused.

May our eyes be open to the glory and the frailty of the human race,

giving glory to God and due honor to the God-given dignity of all people, whatever age, colour, creed, class or gender.