Blessed Virgin Mary 

St. Romuald, abbot 

*** 1st Reading ***     

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

 It is useless to boast;

But if I have to, I will go on to some visions and revelations of the Lord.  I know a certain Christian: fourteen years ago he was taken up to the third heaven. Whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know, God knows. But I know that this man, whether in the body or out of the body—I do not know, God knows—was tak­en up to Paradise where he heard words that cannot be told: things which humans cannot express.

Of that man I can indeed boast, but of myself I will not boast except of my weaknesses. If I wanted to boast, it would not be foolish of me, for I would speak the truth. However, I better give up lest somebody think more of me than what is seen in me or heard from me.

Lest I become proud after so many and extra­ordinary revelations, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a true messenger of Satan, to slap me in the face. Three times I prayed to the Lord that it leave me, but he answered, “My grace is enough for you; my great strength is revealed in weakness.”

Gladly, then, will I boast of my weakness that the strength of Christ may be mine. So I rejoice when I suffer infirmities, humiliations, want, persecutions: all for Christ! For when I am weak, then I am strong.


Ps 34:8-9, 10-11, 12-13

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.


**** Gospel ****      

Matthew 6:24-34

No one can serve two masters; for he will either hate one and love the other, or he will be loyal to the first and look down on the second. You cannot at the same time serve God and money.  This is why I tell you not to be worried about food and drink for yourself, or about clothes for your body. Is not life more important than food and is not the body more important than clothes?   Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow, they do not harvest and do not store food in barns, and yet your heav­enly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than birds?

 Can any of you add a day to your life by worrying about it?   Why are you so worried about your clothes? Look at the flowers in the fields how they grow. They do not toil or spin.  But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his wealth was clothed like one of these.   If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you? What little faith you have!

 Do not worry and say: What are we going to eat? What are we going to drink? Or: what shall we wear?   The pagans busy themselves with such things; but your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.  Set your heart first on the kingdom and justice of God and all these things will also be given to you.   Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Gospel Reflection

Why do we worry? It is because things are way beyond our control and we are afraid that the consequence would be detrimental. But Jesus reminds us today that worrying cannot solve problems. It does not change anything. Instead of expending energies in worrying, let us use it creatively by putting it at the service of God.

For the basis of our confidence is not on our strengths but God. And so, while doing what is right and losing ourselves into it, the univers rearranges itself and relieves you of that worrisome thing. We see it as an intervention of God in our lives. Doing what is good and right amidst our own concerns leads to a happy resolution of that which concerns us.