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The head of the Al Qaida terrorist network charged that Pope Benedict
XVI is leading a “crusade” against Islam, and vowed retribution, in a
taped message release on the 5th anniversary of the US-led invasion of


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Pope Benedict XVI voiced his
anguish over the violence in
Tibet recently.
The Pontiff said that he was
pained by the reports of clashes
between Tibetans demanding
autonomy and Chinese troops,
and encouraged both sides to show the “courage to choose the path of dialogue and tolerance.”


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As the Holy See and Israel continue to hammer out the details of
the 1993 Fundamental Agreement signed by both parties, Israel has
made a gesture of conciliation.


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The Vatican has unveiled the 2008 edition of the Church’s
statistical yearbook, showing a 1.4% rise in the world’s Catholic population from1.115 billion to
1.131 billion between 2005 and
2006. Over the same period, the
number of bishops grew from 4,841 to 4,898 an increase of 1.2%.


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Legendary chess player Bobby
Fisher, who made history by
dethroning the Soviet Union
chess king Boris Spassky in
1972, asked to be buried as a
Catholic, according to officials
of the Catholic Church in
Iceland, where he had been
living since 1992.


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Benedict XVI is asking political leaders in Kenya to engage in dialogue,
and urging the East African nation to build a peace based on justice
and brotherhood.