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Some are asking whether term limits should imposed for future popes, one of the Vatican most powerful officials, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said the pope is selected for life because he is a father and his paternity comes before his role.


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A firm of investigators has created a team of female private eyes to help Chinese wives catch cheating mates and gather proof of domestic violence, and the team will help clients assert their rights in divorce cases, especially to family property.


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Asthma, a chronic condition of the lungs in which airways become inflamed and swollen, is second to cancer as the major cause of adult death and disability worldwide.


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Pope John Paul II pressed his campaign against gay unions, calling for greater defense of the institution of marriage between man and woman. Marriage, he said, “Concerns a human and divine reality that is defended and promoted as a fundamental good of society."


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Local and global health authorities have so far been unable to contain the crisis and warned the human and economic impacts could be worse than the SARS outbreak that killed nearly 800 people last year.
One expert said bird flu had the potential to devastate travel and retail sales around Asia in the same way SARS did, if it becomes contagious among humans.


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Sex before marriage is no longer taboo for most young people in Shanghai, and men appear to have abandoned the once commonly held view that their future bride must be a virgin.
Young people who did poorly in their studies and had low expectations about their academic future were more likely to have a liberal attitude toward sex.