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Can you read the signs of the times and foresee what is going to
happen? In the Bible, Babylon symbolizes rein and the power of the Devil. Babylon is not far away from Baghdad, so we can see the same old story happening again today. Rich powerful men are toppled from their


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Jesus says, "Come here!
I want you to come here.
I want to invite you to supper."
How wonderful!
The king of kings invites me to

Raining English Mass Very important. Mass is the center of the universe. Jesus says, "Come here, I want you to come here." "I want to invite you to supper." "I invite you to supper." How wonderful. The king of kings invites me to supper. I have to prepare my soul. I prepare my soul. My soul is God's garden. (文字整理:志工李婕如)


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Jesus is praying. He is shining like the sun. His clothes are so white. Sometimes we think that we are
not worth much. We are very
ordinary, but we can remember
that one day we will also shine
like the sun.


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I want to be baptized.
I use the eye of faith.
I believe in Jesus.
I have special eyes.
I can see Jesus because I believe.


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God's ways are not men's ways.
Jesus is giving us very high ideals.
He is continually trying to raise
our folks to a higher plane.
We should keep our feet on the
ground but reach for the stars.


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Jesus wanted to change our
attitude to life. He wanted us to
look at things in a ompletely
different way. You might say in a heavenly way. We normally think
that the poor people are
unfortunate, but Jesus wanted us to pile up riches in heaven.


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Jesus is everywhere.
Jesus is in the mountains.
Jesus is in the zoo.
Jesus is in the school.
Jesus is in Taipei.
Jesus is in America.
Jesus is in China.
Jesus is in my heart.