- 詳細內容
- 作者 小火慢燉
- 分類: English Gospel
- 點擊數: 676
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest & martyr
***1st Reading***
Deuteronomy 34: 1-12
From the barren plain of Moab, Moses went up to Mount Nebo, to the summit of Pisgah, opposite Jericho.
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest & martyr
***1st Reading***
Deuteronomy 34: 1-12
From the barren plain of Moab, Moses went up to Mount Nebo, to the summit of Pisgah, opposite Jericho.
St. Pontian, PoPe & martyr & St. Hippolytus, Priest & martyr
***1st Reading***
Deuteronomy 31: 1-8
When Moses finished telling all Israel these words,
St. Dominic, priest
St. Mary of the Cross Mackillop
***1st Reading*** Numbers 20: 1-13
The whole congregation of Israel came to the wilderness of Zin in the first month and the people stayed in Kadesh.
Jesus pays the temple tax. Even though he is the Son of God.
He does not exercise his privilege as the Son.
To Jesus, he is not obligated to pay the temple tax.
but still freely chose to do so out of consideration of the Jewish community, particularly the tax collectors.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, religious
***1st Reading***
Deuteronomy 10: 12-22
So now, Israel, what is it that Yahweh, your God, asks of you but to fear him and follow all his ways?
St. Sixtus Ⅱ, Pope & martyr, & Companions, martyrs
St. Cajetan, priest
***1st Reading*** Numbers 13: 1-2, 25-14: 1, 26a-29a, 34-35*
Yahweh then spoke to Moses, saying,
***1st Reading***
Wisdom of Solomon 18: 6-9
That night had been foretold to our ancestors, and knowing in what promise they trusted, they could rejoice in all surety.
***1st Reading***
Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14
I looked and saw the following: Some thrones were set in place and One of Great Age took his seat.
***1st Reading***
2 Corinthians 9: 6-10
Remember: the one who sows meagerly will reap meagerly, and there shall be generous harvests for the one who sows generously.
Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome
***1st Reading***Numbers 11: 4b-15
Now the rabble that was among them had greedy desires and even the Israelites wept and said, “Who will give us meat to eat?
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, virgin & martyr
***1st Reading***
Duteronomy 4: 32-40
Ask of the times past. Inquire from the day when God created man on earth.
***1st Reading***
Ecclesiastes 1: 2; 2: 21-23
All is meaningless – says the Teacher – meaningless, meaningless!